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What's your past?


My name is Phexis. But you already know that, don't you? I guess I should start with when I was little. I'll warn you, though. There'll be mentions of death, later on, so take caution, will you? And I can't guarantee if it'll be gore-free or not.

I was born to a litter of three. Me, and my two sisters: Anamphia and Arisia. We were like any normal children; we played our dumb little games and got ourselves into trouble. The important thing here was that we were tightknit. I mean, we had to be. It was us three, and our parents, and the occasional loner friend we'd come across. Our little family tended to stick to ourselves, and that was how we liked it.


Out of the three of us, Anamphia was the oldest. I mean, we were all from the same litter, but when it comes down to it, she was the oldest. Arisia was next, leaving me to be the baby. But... I wasn't just the baby. I was a puny runt. Despite the three of us being close-knit, Anamphia always felt as if Arisia and I got the most attention. While that was to a certain extent true, since I was a bit more fragile as a kit, it was nothing ever lifechanging. I guess she was jealous because she acted out a lot due to it. She ran away multiple times. My parents were the most caring cats you'd ever meet; they never punished Anamphia when she ditched them, then returned a few days later.

That was basically my childhood. Just the five of us, wandering and surviving and living. Having only each other, we were all pretty close. Our parents would have never done anything to harm us. Like all beings, they made mistakes at times. But nothing irreparable. While I have my suspicions it was because of her jealousy, I still never truly figured out why Anamphia kept running away.

  • Was born, with two other siblings. Anamphia and Arisia.

  • Anamphia, out of perceived jealousy, kept running away for a week or so at a time. She always came back, however.

  • Otherwise, the family sticks together, the siblings starting to grow up.


When we were a bit older, our parents started teaching us the basics of survival. How to make a cozy nest so you don't freeze, how to hunt, and some basic battle moves. My siblings and my's favorite game at this point in time was ambushing each other with different attacks our parents had taught us. Fighting came pretty easy to us, at least for me it did. Hunting took a lot more work. I still remember the first piece of prey each of us caught. Arisia got it first; she had caught a good-sized vole. Anamphia caught a sparrow, and I was able to snatch a mouse. Mom and dad were very proud, even if it had taken us a bit to learn the ropes. Even the learning curve between us wasn't huge, despite me being the smallest and arguably weakest.

Because of my perceived disadvantage as a runt, my dad decided to step up to help me personally. We had always been close, but when he started helping me practice fighting, it... really brought us even closer. He's probably been the only cat I'd ever consider an idol. He really, really did try to look out for me, He wanted me to survive out in the world, despite the world trying to hold me back. I'll forever thank him for that.


Father specifically helping me didn't even tick Anamphia off. Or so I thought... actually, no, it was probably just an accident. During one of our training sessions as a whole family, father and mother had begun teaching us how to climb trees safely. I think this was the one thing, I couldn't pick up, my shorter legs having a hard time pulling me up the trunk of the tree. But I finally got it, long after Anamphia and Arisia. The two of them were hanging out up there, playing along branches and generally being stupid siblings together. And they... they thought that since I had made it up, I'd be able to join in on their precarious roughhousing. 

Anamphia... accidentally shoved me off the tree, to make the story short.

Beyond that, everything was fine. We all were learning quickly, and soon we passed our first year of being alive. But... hmm. One day... one day we got up and Anamphia was gone. Usually, she ran away for a few days after a fight with one of us, but this time... she was gone. No warning. No catalyst event that made her leave. At that point, we just accepted that this was it; Anamphia was finally gone. She had learned how to survive, took those skills, and left. The four of us tried to push on, but...admittedly, it was hard. Our once lively family was much mellowed out by this.

The next few months were a blur. Sleeping, hunting, eating, sleeping. A constant cycle of nothing exciting, the question of 'will she ever return?' constantly in the back of our heads. Arisia and I had even talked about running away as well, though it was mostly her idea. More often then not, I was the one rationalizing and reminding her how heartbroken Mom and Dad would be. It was strange. At this point, I started realizing that Arisia had been closer to Anamphia, while I was closer with our parents. It hurt, a little bit, to see Arisia start to pull away. It was as if Anamphia was the thread holding everyone together.

Of course, it was Anamphia. Queen of drama queens. A few months later, the damned cat showed back up again. Mom, Dad, and Arisia were ecstatic. Of course, I was too. But, I was also getting sick of the hide and seek games she was starting to play. Why was she allowed to just rip herself away from the family, then come back weeks later and be welcomed with completely open arms? There was no anger, from anyone. I had to bite down my frustration unless I wanted to be met with 'Aren't you happy to see your sister?'. At one point, I vented my frustrations to Arisia.

She proceeded to tell my parents. It was the first time they had ever scolded me.

Now I was the drama queen. Now I was the one pulling away. I still was amicable towards everyone, but some nights I spent alone, angry and bitter at what had happened. I don't know her motives. 

Perhaps I was the problem?

But what was important was that we were all reunited once again. Mostly.

  • After they turned 1, their parents began teaching them survival skills.

  • Phexis caught on to fighting rather well. The three of them had trouble with hunting, but worked through it together.

  • Phexis' father helped her one-on-one with her fighting skills, wanting her to learn how to defend herself as the runt.

  • Potentially out of jealousy, Anamphia accidentally shoves Phexis out of a tree (luckily she received no injuries).

  • However, one day, Anamphia was gone. The family assumed that was it, she was gone, considering she knew how to keep herself alive now.


  • But it wasn't. A few months later, Anamphis returned. Phexis is the only one angry at her constantly running away, and she gets scolded for it.

  • Phexis begins to pull away slightly from her family.


Yet drama was never far behind for this family apparently. About...about a month later, um...

My parents were killed.

We woke up one morning to the bloodied, cold, lifeless bodies of Mom and Dad. Well, it was Anamphia who awoke us to tell us what she had found. It was no surprise she had found them first; Anamphia had always been an early bird. There were scratches all over their bodies, but the method of murder was a swift cut to their necks. I...I still remember the scene clearly. I don't know about the others, but I kind of shut down after that. It wasn't until that night that we got together and talked. This was the first...the first real conversation the three of us had had together since we were little.

It's sad this was what brought us back together. But that night, the three of us vowed something, something that I still haven't forgotten or given up on. We promised each other that no matter what, we would work together to find who did this to our parents. They-- they didn't deserve it. The next few months were a blur...not because there wasn't anything particularly exciting, but mostly because it was hard for me to do much. I can't remember exactly, but... at one point, the three of us split up. I think we all decided it would make it easier to search farther. I can't help but feel as if it was Arisia and Anamphia trying to kick me out of their little group though.

But whatever, I'd survive. I think this is about when I really started learning about the Legendaries. I ended up interacting with a lot more loners or small colonies during my travels (I tended to stay away from the big colonies; I was scared of what they'd be like). During this time, I also learned about Helena and Oordeel. Despite never growing up in a religious family, I had to admit, I couldn't help but be drawn to Oordeel and how he helped bring justice... I'm not quite sure if I'm a devout follower of him, but I admire what he's done.

Soon after that, I also began to pick up word about a new set of Trials. This grabbed my curiosity. Perhaps, if I entered these, it could help train me and bring me closer to finding out who my parent's killer was. After that, my mindset shifted. I was determined to get in to these Trials, for my Mom and Dad. If something created by these Legendaries couldn't help me solve this, nothing could.

Honestly, I don't really remember much around this time... it's been a generally pretty peaceful time, at least for me. The things I've heard about the red plague are kinda scary, though, and I can't help but wonder how Anamphia and Arisia are doing. As I traveled for this Paradise Valley, I tried to keep to myself as much as possible. There was no use, getting caught up with others. Instead, I trained alone, trying to hone my skills and prepare myself as much as possible for these trials that are waiting for me.

  • Phexis is woken up one day to find her parents dead.

  • The sisters banded together again as a trio, vowing to find whoever did this and bring them to justice.

  • However, they become estranged again as Anamphia and Arisia wanted to search a different location than Phexis.

  • Phexis finds herself answering the Legendary's call, and becomes apart of Paradise Rising.

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